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The Chosen One RPG - Choose The One EmptyВто Окт 22, 2019 7:58 pm by Game Master

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The Chosen One RPG - Choose The One EmptyВто Окт 01, 2019 5:17 pm by Game Master

» The differences in that world... but a little flirt it's not harmful.
The Chosen One RPG - Choose The One EmptyСъб Юли 20, 2019 5:19 pm by Game Master

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The Chosen One RPG - Choose The One EmptyСъб Юли 20, 2019 5:15 pm by Kathleen T.

» Kathleen. T. - Killer, 24
The Chosen One RPG - Choose The One EmptyСъб Юли 20, 2019 1:42 pm by Game Master

» Ash Grayson, 23, Seeker, FC: Adam Driver
The Chosen One RPG - Choose The One EmptyЧет Юли 18, 2019 12:22 pm by Game Master

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The Chosen One RPG - Choose The One EmptyВто Юли 16, 2019 8:46 pm by Game Master

» Jane Dolfin, 25, The Killer, FC: Taylor Momsen OPEN
The Chosen One RPG - Choose The One EmptyВто Юли 16, 2019 8:41 pm by Game Master

» Isabella Williams, 24, Rebel, FC: Alexandra Daddario OPEN
The Chosen One RPG - Choose The One EmptyВто Юли 16, 2019 8:38 pm by Game Master

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Вто Окт 22, 2019 7:58 pm
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The Chosen One RPG - Choose The One Tumblr_pzlax1JeOt1yrknr9o10_250
The Game
4 topics & 10 messages
Ex his quidam aeternitati se commendari posse per statuas aestimantes eas ardenter adfectant quasi plus praemii de figmentis aereis sensu carentibus adepturi, quam ex conscientia honeste recteque factorum, easque auro curant inbracteari, quod Acilio Glabrioni delatum est primo, cum consiliis armisque regem superasset Antiochum. quam autem sit pulchrum exigua haec spernentem et minima ad ascensus verae gloriae tendere longos et arduos, ut memorat vates Ascraeus, Censorius Cato monstravit. qui interrogatus quam ob rem inter multos... statuam non haberet malo inquit ambigere bonos quam ob rem id non meruerim, quam quod est gravius cur inpetraverim mussitare. Inter quos Paulus eminebat notarius ortus in Hispania, glabro quidam sub vultu latens, odorandi vias periculorum occultas perquam sagax. is in Brittanniam missus ut militares quosdam perduceret ausos conspirasse Magnentio, cum reniti non possent, iussa licentius supergressus fluminis modo fortunis conplurium sese repentinus infudit et ferebatur per strages multiplices ac ruinas, vinculis membra ingenuorum adfligens et quosdam obterens manicis, crimina scilicet multa consarcinando a veritate longe discreta. unde admissum est facinus impium, quod Constanti tempus nota inusserat sempiterna. Quod cum ita sit, paucae domus studiorum seriis cultibus antea celebratae nunc ludibriis ignaviae torpentis exundant, vocali sonu, perflabili tinnitu fidium resultantes. denique pro philosopho cantor et in locum oratoris doctor artium ludicrarum accitur et bybliothecis sepulcrorum ritu in perpetuum clausis organa fabricantur hydraulica, et lyrae ad speciem carpentorum ingentes tibiaeque et histrionici gestus instrumenta non levia.

II. The Gr...
Вто Окт 01, 2019 5:17 pm
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The Chosen One RPG - Choose The One Tumblr_pzlax1JeOt1yrknr9o10_250
6 topics & 8 messages

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Вто Юли 16, 2019 8:46 pm
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The Chosen One RPG - Choose The One Tumblr_pzlax1JeOt1yrknr9o10_250

The Creation of You...

27 topics & 50 messages

The differ...
Съб Юли 20, 2019 5:19 pm
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The Chosen One RPG - Choose The One Tumblr_pzlax1JeOt1yrknr9o10_250
5 topics & 18 messages

...за Semi...
Съб Юли 20, 2019 5:15 pm
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